Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

Opal, опал, opala, opál, ový, der Opal, ópalo, opaal, opale, opál, ópall, opale, di opale, オパール, 단백석, 오팔, opāls, baiduri, โอปอล, 蛋白石,貓眼石,乳色玻璃, ôpan



The name Opal is derived from the Sanskrit word "upala", meaning "valuable stone". This is believed to be the root word for the Greek term "opallios", which translates as "color change".

Opal is thought to have been discovered as long as 4,000 years ago, and myths and lore abound in practically all cultures about this brilliant gemstone. The ancient Greeks thought opal to be the tears of Zeus and prized it as highly as diamonds. They believed opal gave the gift of foresight and prophecy, which would ensure the owner's success in war, business and life.

The legend of the Australian aborigine tells that opal is 'creator's footprint that touched the earth at the base of a rainbow to bring harmony'.

The ancient Romans wore opal as a symbol of hope and purity and believed it could cure illness. In ancient India, opal was referred to as the Goddess of the Rainbow, turned to stone. Ancient Arab cultures believed opal had fallen from the sky and that the play of color was trapped lightning. According to Arab lore, opal could make the wearer invisible. The ancient Australian aborigines, however, believed in a more sinister origin. They thought opal to be half serpent and half devil, and that the brightly colored fire within the stone was an attempt to lure them into the devil's lair.

Opal has been thought to have healing powers in many world cultures, and in the middle ages, it became known as the Opthalmius, or Eye Stone, and was thought to strengthen eyesight. Blonde maidens wore opals to protect their hair from fading or darkening.

In the Middle Ages, Opal was considered a stone that could provide great luck because it was believed to possess all the virtues of each gemstone whose color was represented in the color spectrum of the opal.

However, there has also been rumors and superstition about the Opal as being a stone of bad luck. At one point opal had became so popular and wanted that it began to rival the diamond in popularity, so the diamond merchants began spreading the rumor that opals brought bad luck to the wearer. It was quite effective, and even today, there are those who believe it is unlucky to buy or wear one unless it is your birthstone (October)

However, these superstitions of bad luck were not believed by all including the Queen Elizabeth II. She ensured that all her subjects knew that she did not believe in these rumors and superstitions. Throughout her reign, she wore opals herself and gave them to her daughters as gifts. The Queen's efforts have been credited with helping opal shed its bad luck reputation and regain popularity with the public.
Types of Opal

Black Opal

Black opal is characterized by a dark tone causing brightness of color which is unmatched by lighter opals. Black Opals are usually mined in Southern Australia, and are the most famous, and sought-after type of opal. The term 'black opal' does not mean that the stone is completely black (a common mistake), it simply means the stone has a dark body tone in comparison to a white opal.

Most black opals have a beautiful array of colors and are very clear due to the dark tone of the gem. Some people expect the stone to be completely black in which case it would be of very little value. The most rare and expensive Opal in the world is a black opal.

White Opal:
This stone is also known as 'milk' or 'milky' opals. White opals are primarily found in Southern Australia. White opals are distinguished by their pale white or light color tone. As with any kind of opal, white opals can display any color of the spectrum in a beautiful play of color and depending on the quality of the opal found, they can be worth quite a bit.

White opals are much more plentiful and common than other kinds of opal like black opal and boulder opal. Often white opals will have white potch (colorless opal) left on the back of the stone, however sometimes the entire stone will consist of colorful opal.

Crystal Opal:
The term "crystal opal" refers to any kind of opal (i.e. black opal, white opal, semi-black opal) which has a transparent, translucent, or semi-translucent body. If light is able to pass through the stone, or you can see through an opal, then you are probably looking at a crystal opal.

However, boulder opals which have a layer of translucent opal are not referred to as crystal opals because of their opaque ironstone backing.

The translucence of a crystal opal often gives it a greater clarity and vibrancy of color than opaque stones. Pale colored crystal opals (white crystal opals) are generally more valuable than opaque white opals, and 'black crystal opals' can often have more beautiful color than opaque black opals.

Fire Opal:

Technically, the only type of opal known as 'fire opal' is Mexican Fire Opal, mined in Mexico, which usually has a distinct orange coloring. However, the term has also been used to describe any Australian kinds of opal (normally a black opal shows it best) which displays a significant amount of red coloring. Red is the rarest color found in Opal, so these are quite valuable.

Ethiopian Opal:

This stone is also known as the "Chocolate Opal" because of its chocolate color inside its nodule. Another Opal was discovered with very brilliant colors and mostly red and little blue (unlike those opals mined in Australia) and is called Ethiopian Fire Opal.

There is also Wello Opal which is mined in the high desert of Ethiopia. This is actually a combination of various kinds of opal which are mined in Wello, Ethiopia.

Good Ethiopian opals have diverse play of colors from Neon reds, oranges, green, blue, white, yellow, brown and a fire color. There are even colors that are not present in Australian opals like turquoise and indigos. Ethiopian fire opals are popular as they have striking pattern formations which make each opal so unique.

Australian Blue Opal:

This stone ranges in color from blue-white to deep blue. It is said that this stone enhances communication skills, providing the user with the courage and freedom to speak at the right time and it helps stimulate connections between people.

Opal Ring for Man 

Opal, опал, opala, opál, ový, der Opal, ópalo, opaal, opale, opál, ópall, opale, di opale, オパール, 단백석, 오팔, opāls, baiduri, โอปอล, 蛋白石,貓眼石,乳色玻璃, ôpan

Opal Ring No. 1
Model OM 11, Silver, Opal 8 Crt

Opal Ring No. 2
Model OM 12, Silver, Opal 8 Crt

Opal Ring No. 3
Model OM 14, Silver, Opal 6 Crt

Opal, опал, opala, opál, ový, der Opal, ópalo, opaal, opale, opál, ópall, opale, di opale, オパール, 단백석, 오팔, opāls, baiduri, โอปอล, 蛋白石,貓眼石,乳色玻璃, ôpan


If you are interested to buy can contact me,
can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com

Opal Ring and Leontin/Pendant for Woman


Opal, опал, opala, opál, ový, der Opal, ópalo, opaal, opale, opál, ópall, opale, di opale, オパール, 단백석, 오팔, opāls, baiduri, โอปอล, 蛋白石,貓眼石,乳色玻璃, ôpan

Opal Ring No. 1
Model OW 11, Silver, Opal 5 Crt

Opal Leontin/Pendant No. 2
Model OW 12, Silver, Opal 10 Crt

Leontin/Pendant No. 3
Model OW 14, Silver, Opal 8 Crt

Opal, опал, opala, opál, ový, der Opal, ópalo, opaal, opale, opál, ópall, opale, di opale, オパール, 단백석, 오팔, opāls, baiduri, โอปอล, 蛋白石,貓眼石,乳色玻璃, ôpan


If you are interested to buy can contact me,
can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com 

Agarwood Product, Click Here

Agarwood Chip and Oil, Click Here

Sandalwood Product, Click Here

Sandalwood Chip and Oil, Click Here

Moldavite Stone, Click Here

Dzi Stone, Click Here

Ruby and Blue Sapphire, Click Here

Indonesia Pearl, Click Here

Proof of Delivery Receipt (AWB) and payment, Click Here

Testimonials (Click Here)

Tracking Online (Click Here)


,   لُؤْلُؤَه ,   бисер, pérola, perla; perlový, die Perle; Perlen, perle; perle, μαργαριτάρι, perla, pärl,  مروارید , helmi, (de) perle (s), biser, sedef, gyöngy, perla, perla; di perle, 真珠, 진주, perlas, pērle, parel, perle, perła, مروارید, ملغلرې, pérola, perlă; de perle, жемчуг, perla; perlový, biser; biseren, biser, pärla, ไข่มุก, inci, 珍珠, перлина, موتي، لؤلو, ngọc trai, 珍珠, rosekrans, молитви, růženec, rosenkrans, تسبیح, chapelet, जपमाला, गुलाब का बाग, 
rózsafüzér, talnaband, ロザリオ, rožančius, rožinis, rosário, чётки, rožni venec, radband, 
молитви з чотками, chuỗi tràng hạt, سُبْحَه، مَسبَحَه, der Rosenkranz, κομποσκοίνι, roosikrants,
rukousnauha, מַחרוֹזֶת, krunica, corona, 묵주, rožukronis, rozenkrans, różaniec, تسبیح, mătănii, 
ruženec, brojanica,  สายลูกประคำของคริสต์นิกาย, 天主教的念珠, گلاب کے پھولوں کا تختہ, 
joga, йога, jóga, yoga, یوگا, योग, ヨガの行, bài tập yoga, يوغا: رياضَه هنديَّه تَعْ, ioga, das Yoga, γιόγκα, jooga, 요가, جوګ دهندوانو ذهني رياضت, การฝึกโยคะ, 瑜伽, ہندوانہ نظام فلسفہ اور مر, 瑜伽
خَرَزَه , мънисто, korálek, die Perle, χάντρα, cuenta, helmes,   zrno, biser, kap, (üveg)gyöngy, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬, karoliukas, kreļļu virtene; krelles, دانه؛ مهرهmărgea; perlă, бусина, pärla , ลูกปัด,
 小珠子, 小球,小珠子, намистина

伊斯兰教, اسلام , đạo Hồi, іслам, İslâm, Müslümanlık, ศาสนาอิสลาม, islam, ислам, Islão,  اسلامmusulmanisms, islamas, 이슬람교, イスラム教, íslam, múhameðstrú, iszlám, ισλαμισμός,
der Islam, Islã,  إسْلام , ислям

穆斯林,伊斯兰教信徒 , tín đồ Hồi giáo, мусульманин; мусульманський, Müslüman, islâm,
มุสลิม, muslim, muslimanski, moslim; moslimský, мусульманин, musulman,
muçulmano,  مسلمان , Muzułmanin, islamski, islamiet, musulmanis, musulmonas, 회교의, 회교도,
イスラム教徒 (の), musulmano, múslími, muzulmán, mohamedán, musliman,
musulman/-ane, muslimi, moslem, musulmán, μουσουλμάνος, der Moslem; moslemisch,
muslim(ský), muçulmano,  مُسْلِم , мюсюлманин

Ruby, rubi, ياقوت أحْمَر, рубин, rubín, der Rubin, Rubinen, ρουμπίνι, rubí, rubiin, rubis, rúbín, rubino, di rubini, ルビー, 루비, 홍옥, rubinas, rubīns, robijn, rubín, rubínový, ทับทิม, yakut, 紅寶石, hồng ngọc

Ruby Metaphysical and Therapy Healing Properites

Ruby gemstone is a metaphysical stone of both love and wisdom. It is a royal gemstone worn by Kings, Queens and Priests throughout history. Any sort of ruler or teacher must lead their followers with wisdom and caring and the ruby gemstones ability to teach you how to make wise decisions and guide you to making decisions from the heart and not just the brain may be why they were always so fond of it.

Ruby gemstone healing properties stimulates the heart chakras in a way like no other gemstone. It helps you to set your basic value system and decide what is acceptable in your world and what it not. This is the pure value system that is unadulterated by the heart aches and chest pains the world dishes out at times.

The protective abilities of the Ruby gemstone may be why it was so often used in the breast plates and shields of Kings and Knights of old. In our modern times, it makes an excellent stone to wear as a shielding stone. Simply carry or wear a stone so you can easily get to it and when you feel the need for protection, grasp the stone and visualize a bright red light shining out from it and surrounding your entire being.

You can also pre-program the stone as a shielding stone so it can send out protective energies to surround you at all times. This is an especially good way to help prevent psychic attacks.

The instances of life that are the most troublesome to us, often happen for a specific reason, a life lesson needing to be learned or to bring us back into alignment with out true selves and the needs and desires we are able to fill in the world. The ruby gemstone can help you see the lessons you need to learn before the turmoil hits in our lives. Of course each instance is different but occasionally we can keep from having to deal with these events.

It is believed by some cultures that if you own a ruby gemstone, you will never lose your wealth and is often used in work to ensure the stability of your income.

To help improve your ability to enter a Lucid Dream State, wear or carry a ruby gemstone during your attempts. It helps you to remain lucid while entering the dream state and increases your ability to control the dream without slipping into a normal sleep pattern.

If you suffer from any type of disorder of the heart, especially if blockages of the veins is involved, mediate while laying down with a ruby placed above the heart. Wear a ruby on a necklace long enough so it hangs even with the heart can also serve the same purpose. It can help to ease the flow of blood through the veins.

When the body has too many toxins in it, either from slowly accumulating out of the environment or from accidental (or intentional) poisoning, wear 2 or more ruby gemstones on opposite sides of a part of the body. For instance, wearing a bracelet or anklet with multiple rubies so they are on both sides of the wrist or ankle. Then as your blood flows through your body and circulates through that specific part of the body, the rubies will purify the blood, helping to remove the toxins and speed healing.
Rubi, Rubin, Rubiin, (de) rubis, rúbín.
 ,루비, 홍옥, batu delima, rubín; rubínový, 紅寶石, hồng ngọc, ياقوت أحْمَر, ρουμπίνι,  
rubino; di rubini, rubinas, robijn, یاقوت, ทับทิม, рубін, 红宝石, рубин, der Rubin; Rubinen,
rubí, rubiini, लालमणि, ルビー, rubīns, yakut, 

Ruby For Man (Ring, Gesper, etc)

Ruby, rubi, ياقوت أحْمَر, рубин, rubín, der Rubin, Rubinen, ρουμπίνι, rubí, rubiin, rubis, rúbín, rubino, di rubini, ルビー, 루비, 홍옥, rubinas, rubīns, robijn, rubín, rubínový, ทับทิม, yakut, 紅寶石, hồng ngọc

Ruby Ring No. 1
Model MR 11, Silver, Ruby 7 Crt

Ruby Ring No.2
Model MR12, Silver, Ruby 5 Crt

Ruby Ring No.2
Model MR14, Silver, Ruby 8 Crt


Ruby Ring No.2
Model MR15, Silver, Ruby 8 Crt

Ruby Gesper
Model MR16, Ruby 30 Crt

Ruby, rubi, ياقوت أحْمَر, рубин, rubín, der Rubin, Rubinen, ρουμπίνι, rubí, rubiin, rubis, rúbín, rubino, di rubini, ルビー, 루비, 홍옥, rubinas, rubīns, robijn, rubín, rubínový, ทับทิม, yakut, 紅寶石, hồng ngọc

If you are interested to buy can contact me, 
can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com 

Ruby for Woman (Leontin, Earing, Ring, etc)

Ruby, rubi, ياقوت أحْمَر, рубин, rubín, der Rubin, Rubinen, ρουμπίνι, rubí, rubiin, rubis, rúbín, rubino, di rubini, ルビー, 루비, 홍옥, rubinas, rubīns, robijn, rubín, rubínový, ทับทิม, yakut, 紅寶石, hồng ngọc

Leontin Ruby No.1
Model RW 11, Silver, Ruby 20 Crt

Leontin Ruby No.2
Model RW 12, Silver, Ruby 18 Crt

Leontin Ruby No.3
Model RW 14, Silver, Ruby 5 Crt


Ruby Ring
Model RW 15, Silver, Ruby 4 Crt

Ruby Earing
Model RW 16, Silver, Ruby 5 Crt

Ruby, rubi, ياقوت أحْمَر, рубин, rubín, der Rubin, Rubinen, ρουμπίνι, rubí, rubiin, rubis, rúbín, rubino, di rubini, ルビー, 루비, 홍옥, rubinas, rubīns, robijn, rubín, rubínový, ทับทิม, yakut, 紅寶石, hồng ngọc

If you are interested to buy can contact me, 
can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com

Agarwood Product, Click Here

Agarwood Chip and Oil, Click Here

Sandalwood Product, Click Here

Sandalwood Chip and Oil, Click Here

Moldavite Stone, Click Here

Dzi Stone, Click Here

Ruby and Blue Sapphire, Click Here

Indonesia Pearl, Click Here

Proof of Delivery Receipt (AWB) and payment, Click Here

Testimonials (Click Here)

Tracking Online (Click Here)


,   لُؤْلُؤَه ,   бисер, pérola, perla; perlový, die Perle; Perlen, perle; perle, μαργαριτάρι, perla, pärl,  مروارید , helmi, (de) perle (s), biser, sedef, gyöngy, perla, perla; di perle, 真珠, 진주, perlas, pērle, parel, perle, perła, مروارید, ملغلرې, pérola, perlă; de perle, жемчуг, perla; perlový, biser; biseren, biser, pärla, ไข่มุก, inci, 珍珠, перлина, موتي، لؤلو, ngọc trai, 珍珠, rosekrans, молитви, růženec, rosenkrans, تسبیح, chapelet, जपमाला, गुलाब का बाग, 
rózsafüzér, talnaband, ロザリオ, rožančius, rožinis, rosário, чётки, rožni venec, radband, 
молитви з чотками, chuỗi tràng hạt, سُبْحَه، مَسبَحَه, der Rosenkranz, κομποσκοίνι, roosikrants,
rukousnauha, מַחרוֹזֶת, krunica, corona, 묵주, rožukronis, rozenkrans, różaniec, تسبیح, mătănii, 
ruženec, brojanica,  สายลูกประคำของคริสต์นิกาย, 天主教的念珠, گلاب کے پھولوں کا تختہ, 
joga, йога, jóga, yoga, یوگا, योग, ヨガの行, bài tập yoga, يوغا: رياضَه هنديَّه تَعْ, ioga, das Yoga, γιόγκα, jooga, 요가, جوګ دهندوانو ذهني رياضت, การฝึกโยคะ, 瑜伽, ہندوانہ نظام فلسفہ اور مر, 瑜伽
خَرَزَه , мънисто, korálek, die Perle, χάντρα, cuenta, helmes,   zrno, biser, kap, (üveg)gyöngy, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬, karoliukas, kreļļu virtene; krelles, دانه؛ مهرهmărgea; perlă, бусина, pärla , ลูกปัด,
 小珠子, 小球,小珠子, намистина

伊斯兰教, اسلام , đạo Hồi, іслам, İslâm, Müslümanlık, ศาสนาอิสลาม, islam, ислам, Islão,  اسلامmusulmanisms, islamas, 이슬람교, イスラム教, íslam, múhameðstrú, iszlám, ισλαμισμός,
der Islam, Islã,  إسْلام , ислям

穆斯林,伊斯兰教信徒 , tín đồ Hồi giáo, мусульманин; мусульманський, Müslüman, islâm,
มุสลิม, muslim, muslimanski, moslim; moslimský, мусульманин, musulman,
muçulmano,  مسلمان , Muzułmanin, islamski, islamiet, musulmanis, musulmonas, 회교의, 회교도,
イスラム教徒 (の), musulmano, múslími, muzulmán, mohamedán, musliman,
musulman/-ane, muslimi, moslem, musulmán, μουσουλμάνος, der Moslem; moslemisch,
muslim(ský), muçulmano,  مُسْلِم , мюсюлманин

Senin, 25 November 2013

Various Muslim Prayer Beads (Bracelet), from Stone and Wood

Muslim Prayer Beads from Stone Beads.
Misbaha, Masbaha, Masbhaha, tespih, tesbih, Tasbeeh, Tasbih, Sibha Prayer Beads,
Subha Prayer Beads, Subhah Prayer Beads


Tasbeeh , Tesbih , 念珠一串念珠 , chuỗi tràng hạt , молитви з чотками , radband , brojanica , rožni venec , ruženec , чётки , mătănii , تسبیح , różaniec , rosenkrans , rožukronis , rožančius, rožinis , 묵주 , ロザリオ , rosario, corona , talnaband , rózsafüzér , krunica , chapelet , rukousnauha , roosikrants , κομποσκοίνι , rosenkrans , růženec , سُبْحَه، مَسبَحَه , молитви, dhikr, zikr, muslim, muçulmano,  مُسْلِم , muslimský, der Moslem, moslemisch, musulmán, moslem, musulmanane,muzulmán, mohamedán, múslími, musulmano, イスラム教徒, 회교의, 회교도, musulmonas, musulmanis, islamiet, Muzułmanin, islamski, muçulmano, мусульманин, muslimanski, มุสลิม, Müslüman, islâm, 回教徒, мусульманин; мусульманський, tín đồ Hồi giáo, إسْلام , ислям, islám, der Islam, iszlám, íslam, múhameðstrú, イスラム教, 이슬람교, islamas, islams, musulmanisms, ศาสนาอิสลาม, İslâm, Müslümanlık, 回教, đạo Hồi, conta, korálek, die Perle, perle, χάντρα, cuenta, helmes, helmi, zrno, biser, kap, üveggyöngy, perla, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬, karoliukas, kreļļu virtene, krelles, kraal, koralik, mărgea, perlă, бусина, koráľ, kroglica na ogrlici, pärla, ลูกปัด, boncuk tanesi, tesbih vb.tanesi, 小珠子, намистина, hạt

Material : Agarwood, Sandalwood, Pearl, Red Garnet, etc.

Available in : Bracelet, Prayer Beads, Necklace (Customise)

Beads Diameter : 8mm, 10mm, 12mm (can be customise by order).

Beads Count      :   99 Beads/ 100 Beads, 1000 beads, etc.

If you are interested to buy can contact us,
can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com

Link for another collection :

Our Woods Material and Making Process (Click here)

Our Other Muslim Prayer Beads Collection
Muslim Prayer Beads III, Click Here
Muslim Prayer Beads IV, Click Here
Muslim Prayer Beads V, Click Here

Muslim Prayer Beads from Sea Rattan (Tali Arus / Black Coral) Black, Click Here

Muslim Prayer Beads from Sea Rattan (Tali Arus / Black Coral)White, Click Here

Muslim Prayer Beads from Bufallo Horn, Click Here

Muslim Prayer Beads from Stone / Gemstone Beads, Click Here

Muslim Prayer Beads I, 1000 Beads, Click Here
Muslim Prayer Beads II,1000 Beads, Click Here
Muslim Prayer Beads III, 1000 Beads, Click Here

Muslim Prayer Beads from Kokka Wood I, Click Here
Muslim Prayer Beads from Kokka Wood II, Click Here

Muslim Prayer Beads from Phosphoric, Click Here

Various Wooden Beads, Click Here

Various Stone / Gemstone Beads, Click Here

Allah Written on Agate Stone, Click Here

Agarwood Product, Click Here

Agarwood Chip and Oil, Click Here

Sandalwood Product, Click Here

Sandalwood Chip and Oil, Click Here

Moldavite Stone, Click Here

Dzi Stone, Click Here

Ruby and Blue Sapphire, Click Here

Indonesia Pearl, Click Here

Proof of Delivery Receipt (AWB) and payment, Click Here

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,   لُؤْلُؤَه ,   бисер, pérola, perla; perlový, die Perle; Perlen, perle; perle, μαργαριτάρι, perla, pärl,  مروارید , helmi, (de) perle (s), biser, sedef, gyöngy, perla, perla; di perle, 真珠, 진주, perlas, pērle, parel, perle, perła, مروارید, ملغلرې, pérola, perlă; de perle, жемчуг, perla; perlový, biser; biseren, biser, pärla, ไข่มุก, inci, 珍珠, перлина, موتي، لؤلو, ngọc trai, 珍珠, rosekrans, молитви, růženec, rosenkrans, تسبیح, chapelet, जपमाला, गुलाब का बाग, 
rózsafüzér, talnaband, ロザリオ, rožančius, rožinis, rosário, чётки, rožni venec, radband, 
молитви з чотками, chuỗi tràng hạt, سُبْحَه، مَسبَحَه, der Rosenkranz, κομποσκοίνι, roosikrants,
rukousnauha, מַחרוֹזֶת, krunica, corona, 묵주, rožukronis, rozenkrans, różaniec, تسبیح, mătănii, 
ruženec, brojanica,  สายลูกประคำของคริสต์นิกาย, 天主教的念珠, گلاب کے پھولوں کا تختہ, 
joga, йога, jóga, yoga, یوگا, योग, ヨガの行, bài tập yoga, يوغا: رياضَه هنديَّه تَعْ, ioga, das Yoga, γιόγκα, jooga, 요가, جوګ دهندوانو ذهني رياضت, การฝึกโยคะ, 瑜伽, ہندوانہ نظام فلسفہ اور مر, 瑜伽
خَرَزَه , мънисто, korálek, die Perle, χάντρα, cuenta, helmes,   zrno, biser, kap, (üveg)gyöngy, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬, karoliukas, kreļļu virtene; krelles, دانه؛ مهرهmărgea; perlă, бусина, pärla , ลูกปัด,
 小珠子, 小球,小珠子, намистина

伊斯兰教, اسلام , đạo Hồi, іслам, İslâm, Müslümanlık, ศาสนาอิสลาม, islam, ислам, Islão,  اسلامmusulmanisms, islamas, 이슬람교, イスラム教, íslam, múhameðstrú, iszlám, ισλαμισμός,
der Islam, Islã,  إسْلام , ислям

穆斯林,伊斯兰教信徒 , tín đồ Hồi giáo, мусульманин; мусульманський, Müslüman, islâm,
มุสลิม, muslim, muslimanski, moslim; moslimský, мусульманин, musulman,
muçulmano,  مسلمان , Muzułmanin, islamski, islamiet, musulmanis, musulmonas, 회교의, 회교도,
イスラム教徒 (の), musulmano, múslími, muzulmán, mohamedán, musliman,
musulman/-ane, muslimi, moslem, musulmán, μουσουλμάνος, der Moslem; moslemisch,
muslim(ský), muçulmano,  مُسْلِم , мюсюлманин

Various Mala Bracelet for Buddhism and Hinduism, Japa Mala, Buddhist rosary, juzu, 数珠, nenju, 念珠, shu zhu 数珠, Fo zhu 佛珠, nian zhu 念珠, seik badi.

Buddhism, Hinduism Prayer Beads, and yoga Malas from Stone Beads. 
Japa Malas, Jaap Mala, Japamala, Mala, Juzu, Juzu Pristration Rosaries, Nianzhu, Nenju, Tranghat.

Japa Mala, Threngwa, juzu 数珠, nenju 念珠, o-juzin 御数珠, shu zhu 数珠, Fo zhu 佛珠, Nian Zhu 念珠, Seik Badi, Buddhist Prayer Beads, Zen, Boeddhisme, Budismo, buddhismus, der Buddhismus, buddhisme, budism, bouddhisme, budizam, buddhizmus, buddismo, 仏教, 불교, budizmas, buddhisme, buddyzm, буддизм, budizem, ศาสนาพุทธ, Budizm, Đạo Phật


Material : Agarwood, Sandalwood, Tiger Eye, Smokey Quartz, Rose Quartz, etc

Available in : Bracelet, Prayer Beads, Necklace (Customise)

Beads Diameter : 8mm, 10mm, 12mm (can be customise by order).
Beads Count       :  27, 108 Beads, etc
(can be customise by order).

If you are interested to buy can contact us,
can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email: ndra.alam@yahoo.com

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,   لُؤْلُؤَه ,   бисер, pérola, perla; perlový, die Perle; Perlen, perle; perle, μαργαριτάρι, perla, pärl,  مروارید , helmi, (de) perle (s), biser, sedef, gyöngy, perla, perla; di perle, 真珠, 진주, perlas, pērle, parel, perle, perła, مروارید, ملغلرې, pérola, perlă; de perle, жемчуг, perla; perlový, biser; biseren, biser, pärla, ไข่มุก, inci, 珍珠, перлина, موتي، لؤلو, ngọc trai, 珍珠, rosekrans, молитви, růženec, rosenkrans, تسبیح, chapelet, जपमाला, गुलाब का बाग, 
rózsafüzér, talnaband, ロザリオ, rožančius, rožinis, rosário, чётки, rožni venec, radband, 
молитви з чотками, chuỗi tràng hạt, سُبْحَه، مَسبَحَه, der Rosenkranz, κομποσκοίνι, roosikrants,
rukousnauha, מַחרוֹזֶת, krunica, corona, 묵주, rožukronis, rozenkrans, różaniec, تسبیح, mătănii, 
ruženec, brojanica,  สายลูกประคำของคริสต์นิกาย, 天主教的念珠, گلاب کے پھولوں کا تختہ, 
joga, йога, jóga, yoga, یوگا, योग, ヨガの行, bài tập yoga, يوغا: رياضَه هنديَّه تَعْ, ioga, das Yoga, γιόγκα, jooga, 요가, جوګ دهندوانو ذهني رياضت, การฝึกโยคะ, 瑜伽, ہندوانہ نظام فلسفہ اور مر, 瑜伽
خَرَزَه , мънисто, korálek, die Perle, χάντρα, cuenta, helmes,   zrno, biser, kap, (üveg)gyöngy, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬, karoliukas, kreļļu virtene; krelles, دانه؛ مهرهmărgea; perlă, бусина, pärla , ลูกปัด,
 小珠子, 小球,小珠子, намистина

Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

Moldavite Stone V

Moldavite Stone V 

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Moldavite is one of the rarest materials on earth. It is a beautiful, pale to dark translucent green tektite, which most scientists agree was formed during the impact of a meteorite that was believed to be approximately 1.5 kilometers in diameter in Nordlingen, Germany, creating the Reis Crater nearly 15 million years ago. The force of the impact has been estimated at about 6 trillion megatons. The resulting explosion had the power of 1.8 million Hiroshima bombs, which exceeds the power that would be generated if we set off all the atomic bombs in the world at the same time. It is believed that the force of the impact pierced the earth's crust and penetrated the iron core, which disturbed the rotating liquid iron enough to reverse the earth’s magnetic poles.

There are differing hypotheses regarding Moldavite’s origin. Some scientists believe that the enormous impact and heat created by this event melted the earthly rock and sand from this area, sending it high up into the atmosphere, then raining back down on the earth in the areas of Bohemia and Moravia (Czech Republic), which is where most of the Moldavite is found today. Another theory is that this green colored tektite is of extraterrestrial origin, believing that it might be a type of obsidian ejected from a lunar volcano. And yet another, more popular theory holds that it is a fusion product of earthly rock and meteoric material, which was vaporized and propelled high into the atmosphere, then condensed into liquid glass as it rained back down on the surrounding areas. One thing that is agreed upon by all scientists is that it did indeed fall from the sky, which is why Moldavite enthusiasts love to call it ‘The Emerald that fell from the sky.' or call it ' Stone of Superior Energy'.

It is one of the most prized stones in the world for metaphysical purposes. It's effects vary widely, from mild to almost overwhelming. From physical cleansings to spiritual breakthroughs, Moldavite allows you to have experiences most people seek in their spiritual development.

Connections to guides, expanded awareness that would put any hallucinogen to shame, and incredible experiences of the highest frequencies are all possible when you work with this powerful stone. The common denominator seems to be the revitalization and acceleration of your path of personal evolution.

Moldavite is the most easily felt of all the minerals. People who use Moldavite for the first time most often experience its energy as warmth or heat, usually felt first in your hand and then progressively throughout the body.

Most people feel that Moldavite excites their energies and speeds their vibrations, especially for the first days or weeks, until you become used to it.

Moldavite's energies can activate any and all of the chakras. It's vibrations tend to focus in areas where you have blockages or wounds, first clearing these areas and then moving into resonance with your entire energetic system. Resonance with Moldavite can take many forms: chakras can open, your dream life can become dramatically more vivid and meaningful, you can connect with Spirit Guides, Physical, Emotional, or Spiritual Healings can happen, jobs and relationships can change for the better, Synchronicities can increase in frequency and significance, meditations can become deeper or more powerful, and yet all these can be viewed as a shift in your energies.

This shift is what Moldavite can catalyze. With its high and intense vibrations, it can resonate with your energy pattern in a way that creates an intensification of your spiritual vitality and an acceleration of your progress on the path of your highest destiny.

Beyond it's life-changing capability however, Moldavite can be a truly fun stone to work with. It enhances and accelerates the benefits of nearly any other stone. It also powerfully enhances the dream state, and can produce vivid dreams that are much easier to remember. It carries an intense frequency that deeply activates the entire chakra system, stimulates the Kundalini, and cracks open your psychic channels.

It can also increases your sensitivity to guidance and your ability to discern the messages from the higher realms. Moldavite tends to disconnect you from the unhealthy attachments and magnetize the persons and situations you most need for evolutionary progress.

Its energies progressively unzip the chakras allowing for powerful activations, amazing cosmic journeys, and humbling revelations about the size and scope of this thing we call 'Spirit.'

Moldavite can be a powerful catalyst for self-healing, clearing blockages and opening the meridians, as well as energizing the interconnections of all aspects of your physical and spiritual bodies.

If you are frustrated with not being able to identify the roots of your imbalance or disease, then by all means invoke this energy. It often creates a healing crisis that clearly points to understanding how you have done this to yourself, and how to get out of it. Moldavite offers an energy of spiritual protection.

モルダウ石 , молдавита

How to use, clean, and charge/maintenance Moldavite, will be provided in the package.

Proof of our moldavite stone from Gemstone Labs is Original / Genuine.
For more detail click here

And with other test to combine proof our genuine moldavite stone.  

The Genunine of Memo ID can be check through webitse

Moldavite  Photo Aura Image

LIMITED OFFER with GOOD PRICE (Moldavite Package)
Click Here

Moldavite Leontin Pendant


If you are interested to buy can contact us,
can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
BBM Pin :  53AAA327
Whatsapp, Line, Wechat, Viber, Phone :  +6287878664877
Email :  ndra.alam@yahoo.com


Moldavite Ring for Man

If you are interested to buy can contact us,
can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
BBM Pin :  53AAA327
Whatsapp, Line, Wechat, Viber, Phone :  +6287878664877
Email :  ndra.alam@yahoo.com

Moldavite Ring / Leontin for Woman


If you are interested to buy can contact us,
can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
BBM Pin :  53AAA327
Whatsapp, Line, Wechat, Viber, Phone :  +6287878664877
Email :  ndra.alam@yahoo.com

Moldavite Bracelet with Titanium


If you are interested to buy can contact us,
can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
BBM Pin :  53AAA327
Whatsapp, Line, Wechat, Viber, Phone :  +6287878664877
Email :  ndra.alam@yahoo.com

And any other moldavite collection, such as tie clips, buckle, ring, etc. Please contact us for more detail.

Fake Moldavite

Another Fake Moldavite in The Market

These are some fake moldavite, made from glass, crystal and other chemical, looks like similiar from the original moldavite. Some of them cut with natural, and cut faceted.

So, be careful...
Don't waste your money and time to buy fake moldavite. Buy from the trusted and reputable seller.

Fake Moldavite in the market

These are the fake moldavite in the market, some of them in form of raw stone, bracelet, faceted gemstone and leontin. These fake was made from Obsidian Green Stone, and Crystal.

 Lot of Electric Bottle Green Tanzanian "Moldavite" Top Faceting Rough from Tanzania.
GIA (Gemological Institute Of America) has already documented the Emerald and Bottle Green "Moldavite" as being man made and this enhances that argument.
Most of these stones are extremely clean with an occasional bubble or veil internally.


So, be careful...
Don't waste your money and time to buy fake moldavite. Buy from the trusted and reputable seller.

Moldavite Collection Link :
1. Moldavite I , (Click Here)
2. Moldavite II, (Click Here)
3. Moldavite III, (Click Here)
4. Moldavite IV, (Click Here)
5. Moldavite V , (Click Here)    

Dzi Stone Collection Link :
1. Dzi Stone I, (Click Here)
2. Dzi Stone II, (Click Here)
3. Dzi Stone III, (Click Here)
4. Dzi Stone IV, (Click Here)
5. Dzi Stone V, (Click Here)

Gemstone - Dzi Stone for Children :
Gemstone - Dzi Stone for Children, (Click Here)

Ruby and Blue Sapphire, Click Here.

Properties and Meaning of Gemstone, Click Here

Proof of Delivery Receipt (AWB) and payment, Click Here

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Rosary (Click Here)

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,   لُؤْلُؤَه ,   бисер, pérola, perla; perlový, die Perle; Perlen, perle; perle, μαργαριτάρι, perla, pärl,  مروارید , helmi, (de) perle (s), biser, sedef, gyöngy, perla, perla; di perle, 真珠, 진주, perlas, pērle, parel, perle, perła, مروارید, ملغلرې, pérola, perlă; de perle, жемчуг, perla; perlový, biser; biseren, biser, pärla, ไข่มุก, inci, 珍珠, перлина, موتي، لؤلو, ngọc trai, 珍珠, rosekrans, молитви, růženec, rosenkrans, تسبیح, chapelet, जपमाला, गुलाब का बाग, 
rózsafüzér, talnaband, ロザリオ, rožančius, rožinis, rosário, чётки, rožni venec, radband, 
молитви з чотками, chuỗi tràng hạt, سُبْحَه، مَسبَحَه, der Rosenkranz, κομποσκοίνι, roosikrants,
rukousnauha, מַחרוֹזֶת, krunica, corona, 묵주, rožukronis, rozenkrans, różaniec, تسبیح, mătănii, 
ruženec, brojanica,  สายลูกประคำของคริสต์นิกาย, 天主教的念珠, گلاب کے پھولوں کا تختہ, 
joga, йога, jóga, yoga, یوگا, योग, ヨガの行, bài tập yoga, يوغا: رياضَه هنديَّه تَعْ, ioga, das Yoga, γιόγκα, jooga, 요가, جوګ دهندوانو ذهني رياضت, การฝึกโยคะ, 瑜伽, ہندوانہ نظام فلسفہ اور مر, 瑜伽
خَرَزَه , мънисто, korálek, die Perle, χάντρα, cuenta, helmes,   zrno, biser, kap, (üveg)gyöngy, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬, karoliukas, kreļļu virtene; krelles, دانه؛ مهرهmărgea; perlă, бусина, pärla , ลูกปัด,
 小珠子, 小球,小珠子, намистина

陨石, thiên thạch,  شہاب ثاقب کا ٹکڑ
, метеорит , yeryüzüne düşmüş küçük göktaşı, อุกกาบาต, meteorit, meteorito, آسمانى تيګه , سنگ آسمانی   , meteoryt, meteoritt, meteorstein, meteoriet, meteorīts, meteoritas, 운석, 隕石, meteorite, (lítill) loftsteinn, meteorkő, météorite, meteoriitti, meteoriit, μετεωρίτης, der Meteorit, meteorito, метеорит, حَجَر نَيْزَكي