Ruby gemstone is a metaphysical stone of both love and wisdom. It is a royal gemstone worn by Kings, Queens and Priests throughout history. Any sort of ruler or teacher must lead their followers with wisdom and caring and the ruby gemstones ability to teach you how to make wise decisions and guide you to making decisions from the heart and not just the brain may be why they were always so fond of it.
Ruby gemstone healing properties stimulates the heart chakras in a way like no other gemstone. It helps you to set your basic value system and decide what is acceptable in your world and what it not. This is the pure value system that is unadulterated by the heart aches and chest pains the world dishes out at times.
The protective abilities of the Ruby gemstone may be why it was so often used in the breast plates and shields of Kings and Knights of old. In our modern times, it makes an excellent stone to wear as a shielding stone. Simply carry or wear a stone so you can easily get to it and when you feel the need for protection, grasp the stone and visualize a bright red light shining out from it and surrounding your entire being.
You can also pre-program the stone as a shielding stone so it can send out protective energies to surround you at all times. This is an especially good way to help prevent psychic attacks.
The instances of life that are the most troublesome to us, often happen for a specific reason, a life lesson needing to be learned or to bring us back into alignment with out true selves and the needs and desires we are able to fill in the world. The ruby gemstone can help you see the lessons you need to learn before the turmoil hits in our lives. Of course each instance is different but occasionally we can keep from having to deal with these events.
It is believed by some cultures that if you own a ruby gemstone, you will never lose your wealth and is often used in work to ensure the stability of your income.
To help improve your ability to enter a Lucid Dream State, wear or carry a ruby gemstone during your attempts. It helps you to remain lucid while entering the dream state and increases your ability to control the dream without slipping into a normal sleep pattern.
If you suffer from any type of disorder of the heart, especially if blockages of the veins is involved, mediate while laying down with a ruby placed above the heart. Wear a ruby on a necklace long enough so it hangs even with the heart can also serve the same purpose. It can help to ease the flow of blood through the veins.
When the body has too many toxins in it, either from slowly accumulating out of the environment or from accidental (or intentional) poisoning, wear 2 or more ruby gemstones on opposite sides of a part of the body. For instance, wearing a bracelet or anklet with multiple rubies so they are on both sides of the wrist or ankle. Then as your blood flows through your body and circulates through that specific part of the body, the rubies will purify the blood, helping to remove the toxins and speed healing. Rubi, Rubin, Rubiin, (de) rubis, rúbín.
,루비, 홍옥, batu delima, rubín; rubínový, 紅寶石, hồng ngọc, ياقوت أحْمَر, ρουμπίνι,
rubino; di rubini, rubinas, robijn, یاقوت, ทับทิม, рубін, 红宝石, рубин, der Rubin; Rubinen,
rubí, rubiini, लालमणि, ルビー, rubīns, yakut,
Ruby For Man (Ring, Gesper, etc)
Ruby Ring No. 1
Model MR 11, Silver, Ruby 7 Crt
Ruby Ring No.2
Model MR12, Silver, Ruby 5 Crt
Ruby Ring No.2
Model MR14, Silver, Ruby 8 Crt
Ruby Ring No.2
Model MR15, Silver, Ruby 8 Crt
Ruby Gesper
Model MR16, Ruby 30 Crt
If you are interested to buy can contact me,
can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
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Ruby for Woman (Leontin, Earing, Ring, etc)
Leontin Ruby No.1
Model RW 11, Silver, Ruby 20 Crt
Leontin Ruby No.2
Model RW 12, Silver, Ruby 18 Crt
Leontin Ruby No.3
Model RW 14, Silver, Ruby 5 Crt
Ruby Ring
Model RW 15, Silver, Ruby 4 Crt
Ruby Earing
Model RW 16, Silver, Ruby 5 Crt
If you are interested to buy can contact me,
can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
Or Email:
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, لُؤْلُؤَه , бисер, pérola, perla; perlový, die Perle; Perlen, perle; perle, μαργαριτάρι, perla, pärl, مروارید , helmi, (de) perle (s), biser, sedef, gyöngy, perla, perla; di perle, 真珠, 진주, perlas, pērle, parel, perle, perła, مروارید, ملغلرې, pérola, perlă; de perle, жемчуг, perla; perlový, biser; biseren, biser, pärla, ไข่มุก, inci, 珍珠, перлина, موتي، لؤلو, ngọc trai, 珍珠, rosekrans, молитви, růženec, rosenkrans, تسبیح, chapelet, जपमाला, गुलाब का बाग,
rózsafüzér, talnaband, ロザリオ, rožančius, rožinis, rosário, чётки, rožni venec, radband,
молитви з чотками, chuỗi tràng hạt, سُبْحَه، مَسبَحَه, der Rosenkranz, κομποσκοίνι, roosikrants,
rukousnauha, מַחרוֹזֶת, krunica, corona, 묵주, rožukronis, rozenkrans, różaniec, تسبیح, mătănii,
ruženec, brojanica, สายลูกประคำของคริสต์นิกาย, 天主教的念珠, گلاب کے پھولوں کا تختہ,
joga, йога, jóga, yoga, یوگا, योग, ヨガの行, bài tập yoga, يوغا: رياضَه هنديَّه تَعْ, ioga, das Yoga, γιόγκα, jooga, 요가, جوګ دهندوانو ذهني رياضت, การฝึกโยคะ, 瑜伽, ہندوانہ نظام فلسفہ اور مر, 瑜伽
خَرَزَه , мънисто, korálek, die Perle, χάντρα, cuenta, helmes, zrno, biser, kap, (üveg)gyöngy, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬, karoliukas, kreļļu virtene; krelles, دانه؛ مهره , mărgea; perlă, бусина, pärla , ลูกปัด,
小珠子, 小球,小珠子, намистина
伊斯兰教, اسلام , đạo Hồi, іслам, İslâm, Müslümanlık, ศาสนาอิสลาม, islam, ислам, Islão, اسلام , musulmanisms, islamas, 이슬람교, イスラム教, íslam, múhameðstrú, iszlám, ισλαμισμός,
der Islam, Islã, إسْلام , ислям
穆斯林,伊斯兰教信徒 , tín đồ Hồi giáo, мусульманин; мусульманський, Müslüman, islâm,
มุสลิม, muslim, muslimanski, moslim; moslimský, мусульманин, musulman,
muçulmano, مسلمان , Muzułmanin, islamski, islamiet, musulmanis, musulmonas, 회교의, 회교도,
イスラム教徒 (の), musulmano, múslími, muzulmán, mohamedán, musliman,
musulman/-ane, muslimi, moslem, musulmán, μουσουλμάνος, der Moslem; moslemisch,
muslim(ský), muçulmano, مُسْلِم , мюсюлманин