Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

Zaitun, Olive, oliva ,Zaytune, Zeitoone, Zetoone, Zetoon, Zaitoone, Zetun, Zeitune, Zaytoon, Zaytoone, الزيتون , زَيْتُون , Zaitune, маслини, 橄榄 , olivový, oliven, olijf, oliiviõli, oliivi, オリーブ , 올리브 ,olīvu , z oliwek , măsline , оливковое , มะกอก , ô liu ,Tasbih, Tasbeeh, Tespih, Masbaha, Subha, مسبحة, سبحة , Tasbeeh , Tesbih , 念珠一串念珠 , chuỗi tràng hạt , молитви з чотками , radband , brojanica , rožni venec , ruženec , чётки , mătănii , تسبیح , różaniec , rosenkrans , rožukronis , rožančius, rožinis , 묵주 , ロザリオ , rosario, corona , talnaband , rózsafüzér , krunica , chapelet , rukousnauha , roosikrants , κομποσκοίνι , rosenkrans , růženec , سُبْحَه، مَسبَحَه , молитви, dhikr, zikr, muslim, muçulmano, مُسْلِم , muslimský, der Moslem, moslemisch, musulmán, moslem, musulmanane,muzulmán, mohamedán, múslími, musulmano, イスラム教徒, 회교의, 회교도, musulmonas, musulmanis, islamiet, Muzułmanin, islamski, muçulmano, мусульманин, muslimanski, มุสลิม, Müslüman, islâm, 回教徒, мусульманин; мусульманський, tín đồ Hồi giáo, إسْلام , ислям, islám, der Islam, iszlám, íslam, múhameðstrú, イスラム教, 이슬람교, islamas, islams, musulmanisms, ศาสนาอิสลาม, İslâm, Müslümanlık, 回教, đạo Hồi, conta, korálek, die Perle, perle, χάντρα, cuenta, helmes, helmi, zrno, biser, kap, üveggyöngy, perla, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬, karoliukas, kreļļ

Muslim Prayer Beads
Misbaha, Masbaha, Masbahah, Tespih, Tesbih, Tasbeeh, Tasbih,  Sibha Prayer Beads, Subha Prayer Beads, Subhah Prayer Beads.

Zaitun, Olive, oliva ,Zaytune, Zeitoone, Zetoone, Zetoon, Zaitoone, Zetun, Zeitune, Zaytoon, Zaytoone, الزيتون , زَيْتُون , Zaitune, маслини, 橄榄 , olivový, oliven, olijf, oliiviõli, oliivi, オリーブ , 올리브 ,olīvu , z oliwek , măsline , оливковое , มะกอก , ô liu

English Name: Olive
Local Name: Zaitoon
Arabic Name: Zaitoon
Family: Oleaceae
Habit & Habitat: An erect branched cultivated tree.
Part used: Fruit, oil, wood
Strengthen body muscles, slow down aging, clear the blood, remove the measlesspot, piles, tuberculosis, eczema, baldness, kidney pain, pancreas pain, maleness, common cold, stomach and respiratory diseasesMedicinal uses: Strengthen body muscles, slow down aging, clear the blood, remove the measlesspot, piles, tuberculosis, eczema, baldness, kidney pain, pancreas pain, maleness, common cold, stomach and respiratory diseases.

References from Holy Quran

1. Surah 6. Al-An‘âm, Verse. # 99: And out of the datepalm and its spathe come forth clusters of dates hanging low and near and gardens of grapes, olive and pomegranates, each similar (in kind) yet different (in variety and taste). Look at their fruits when they begin to bear and the ripeness thereof. Verily! In these things there are signs for people who believe.

2.Surah 16. An-Nahl, Verse. # 11: “With it He causes to grow for you the crops, the olives, the date-palms, the grapes and every kind of fruit. Verily! In this is indeed an evident proof and a manifest sign for people who give thought”.

3. Surah 24. An-Nûr, Verse. # 35: “Lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east (i.e. neither it gets sun-rays only in the morning*) nor of the west (i.e. it gets sun-rays in the afternoon*), whose oil would almost glow forth (of itself), though no fire touched it.”

References from Hadith

1. Abu huraira (R.A.) narrated that Rasullullah (Sallallaho Alayhi Wasallam) said “Eat the olive oil and massage it over your bodies since it is a holy (mubarak) tree.”

2. Abu Hurairah (R.A) narrates that the Prophet (Sallallaho Alayhi Wasallam) stated, “Eat the olive oil and apply it (locally), since there is cure for seventy diseases in it, one of them is Leprosy.” [8, 12].

Muslim Prayer Beads / Tasbih
Beads Material :
Zaitun, Olive, oliva ,Zaytune, Zeitoone, Zetoone, Zetoon, Zaitoone, Zetun, Zeitune, Zaytoon, Zaytoone, الزيتون , زَيْتُون , Zaitune, маслини, 橄榄 , olivový, oliven, olijf, oliiviõli, oliivi, オリーブ , 올리브 ,olīvu , z oliwek , măsline , оливковое , มะกอก , ô liuTurquoise Stone -
Beads Diameter : 7-8mm
Shape : Round Beads
Beads Count : 99 Beads /100 Beads.

We also make and supply custome by order muslim prayer beads.

If you are interested to buy can contact us,
can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
BBM Pin : 
Whatsapp, Line, Wechat, Viber, Phone :  +6287878664877
Email :

Muslim Prayer Beads / Tasbih
Beads Material :
Zaitun, Olive, oliva ,Zaytune, Zeitoone, Zetoone, Zetoon, Zaitoone, Zetun, Zeitune, Zaytoon, Zaytoone, الزيتون , زَيْتُون , Zaitune, маслини, 橄榄 , olivový, oliven, olijf, oliiviõli, oliivi, オリーブ , 올리브 ,olīvu , z oliwek , măsline , оливковое , มะกอก , ô liuTurquoise Stone -
Beads Diameter : 7-8mm
Shape : Round Beads
Beads Count : 99 Beads /100 Beads.

We also make and supply custome by order muslim prayer beads.

If you are interested to buy can contact us,
can SMS (Text) international : +6287878664877 or (087878664877).
BBM Pin : 
Whatsapp, Line, Wechat, Viber, Phone :  +6287878664877
Email :

Link for another collection :

Our Woods Material and Making Process (Click here)

Our Other Muslim Prayer Beads Collection
Muslim Prayer Beads III, Click Here
Muslim Prayer Beads IV, Click Here
Muslim Prayer Beads V, Click Here

Muslim Prayer Beads from Sea Rattan (Tali Arus / Black Coral) Black, Click Here

Muslim Prayer Beads from Sea Rattan (Tali Arus / Black Coral)White, Click Here

Muslim Prayer Beads from Bufallo Horn, Click Here

Muslim Prayer Beads from Stone / Gemstone Beads, Click Here

Muslim Prayer Beads I, 1000 Beads, Click Here
Muslim Prayer Beads II,1000 Beads, Click Here
Muslim Prayer Beads III, 1000 Beads, Click Here

Muslim Prayer Beads from Kokka Wood I, Click Here
Muslim Prayer Beads from Kokka Wood II, Click Here

Muslim Prayer Beads from Phosphoric, Click Here

Various Wooden Beads, Click Here

Various Stone / Gemstone Beads, Click Here

Allah Written on Agate Stone, Click Here

Agarwood Product, Click Here

Agarwood Chip and Oil, Click Here

Sandalwood Product, Click Here

Sandalwood Chip and Oil, Click Here

Moldavite Stone, Click Here

Dzi Stone, Click Here

Ruby and Blue Sapphire, Click Here

Indonesia Pearl, Click Here

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,   لُؤْلُؤَه ,   бисер, pérola, perla; perlový, die Perle; Perlen, perle; perle, μαργαριτάρι, perla, pärl,  مروارید , helmi, (de) perle (s), biser, sedef, gyöngy, perla, perla; di perle, 真珠, 진주, perlas, pērle, parel, perle, perła, مروارید, ملغلرې, pérola, perlă; de perle, жемчуг, perla; perlový, biser; biseren, biser, pärla, ไข่มุก, inci, 珍珠, перлина, موتي، لؤلو, ngọc trai, 珍珠, rosekrans, молитви, růženec, rosenkrans, تسبیح, chapelet, जपमाला, गुलाब का बाग, 
rózsafüzér, talnaband, ロザリオ, rožančius, rožinis, rosário, чётки, rožni venec, radband, 
молитви з чотками, chuỗi tràng hạt, سُبْحَه، مَسبَحَه, der Rosenkranz, κομποσκοίνι, roosikrants,
rukousnauha, מַחרוֹזֶת, krunica, corona, 묵주, rožukronis, rozenkrans, różaniec, تسبیح, mătănii, 
ruženec, brojanica,  สายลูกประคำของคริสต์นิกาย, 天主教的念珠, گلاب کے پھولوں کا تختہ, 
joga, йога, jóga, yoga, یوگا, योग, ヨガの行, bài tập yoga, يوغا: رياضَه هنديَّه تَعْ, ioga, das Yoga, γιόγκα, jooga, 요가, جوګ دهندوانو ذهني رياضت, การฝึกโยคะ, 瑜伽, ہندوانہ نظام فلسفہ اور مر, 瑜伽
خَرَزَه , мънисто, korálek, die Perle, χάντρα, cuenta, helmes,   zrno, biser, kap, (üveg)gyöngy, perlina, ビーズ玉, 구슬, karoliukas, kreļļu virtene; krelles, دانه؛ مهرهmărgea; perlă, бусина, pärla , ลูกปัด,
 小珠子, 小球,小珠子, намистина

伊斯兰教, اسلام , đạo Hồi, іслам, İslâm, Müslümanlık, ศาสนาอิสลาม, islam, ислам, Islão,  اسلامmusulmanisms, islamas, 이슬람교, イスラム教, íslam, múhameðstrú, iszlám, ισλαμισμός,
der Islam, Islã,  إسْلام , ислям

穆斯林,伊斯兰教信徒 , tín đồ Hồi giáo, мусульманин; мусульманський, Müslüman, islâm,
มุสลิม, muslim, muslimanski, moslim; moslimský, мусульманин, musulman,
muçulmano,  مسلمان , Muzułmanin, islamski, islamiet, musulmanis, musulmonas, 회교의, 회교도,
イスラム教徒 (の), musulmano, múslími, muzulmán, mohamedán, musliman,
musulman/-ane, muslimi, moslem, musulmán, μουσουλμάνος, der Moslem; moslemisch,
muslim(ský), muçulmano,  مُسْلِم , мюсюлманин